Best Air Purifiers for COPD: "I would be happy to recommend this product to anyone in a similar situation"

Ronald is using a 6000 DXS

This AllerAir Review was received on November 16, 2012

"I am very satisfied so far with the performance of my new AllerAir unit. My five grown children decided that this would be a good (and early) Christmas gift, since I was recently diagnosed with COPD. I would be happy to recommend this product to anyone in a similar situation.

Ronald T.

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"In this Sandy disaster zone, the AllerAir units are protecting my health and more, they are saving my life...."

This AllerAir Air Purifier Review was received January, 31st, 2013

"...In this Sandy disaster zone, the AllerAir units are protecting my health and more, they are saving my life.... without them running, I am victim to the fine dust and volatile debris (post world trade center type) that permeates this area from deconstructed houses and flooding aftermath.  Outdoors it is headaches and coughing, indoors good health, comfort and peace. 

Everything that makes me ill, paint fumes, pesticide chemicals, flood petroleum residues, mold, air particulates, is removed to my comfort. The pre-filters get dirty fast which is indicative of only part of what I would be assimilating without the AllerAir air purifiers

Most people try air purifiers from big big box stores and DIY retailers with poor results. They just don't realize the seriousness of the problem nor know they need a serious carbon based, HEPA/UV device...I recommend my 4000 and 5000 models to all who have symptoms or care about their health.

Thanks for your support and concern.

Have a good new year. 

Joe C."

This AllerAir Air Purifiers review was received on January 31st, 2013

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